
Janne Kurkinen

Senior Developer & Designer

FINLAND Pirkanmaa, Sastamala (near Tampere)

Contact via LinkedIn


Widely-versed Senior Web Application Developer with Lead & Full Stack experience, who knows how to design.

Crafting Single-Page Web or Hybrid Web Applications & User Interfaces for SME business’, organizations, and startups. Self-taught over 22 years, with professional qualifications as a Production Technician & an Entrepreneur.

Senior UI/Lead/Fullstack Developer · Senior Web/UI/UX Designer · Specialist in Data Visualization

Years of XP

Entrepreneurship 10  ·  Professional Web Software Development 12  ·  Hobby 23  ·  Life 38


Solita Ltd (Keva, the Finnish Pension Agency)  «  Senior Frontend Lead Developer & UI/UX/DataViz Designer

2019/07 » 2021/12 · Helsinki, Finland (Contract, Remote + On-site)
Full-time contractor for a governmental institution based in Helsinki. Lead responsibility for UI application development with rebuilding and redesigning their most used public web service with ~1M yearly users, following the European accessibility act requirements (VueJS in TypeScript). Prior worked on separate projects for the business and the military customer segments.

Aspire Technology Ltd  «  Frontend R&D Lead Developer, UI/Designer & Data Visualization Specialist

2019/02 » 2019/07 · Dublin, Ireland (Contract, Remote + On-site)
Building several data visualization dashboard pilot projects for a tech consulting company in telecom industry. Created an internal UI Component Library with Storybook. Set up and documented DevOps processes for deploying Docker container clusters in AWS.

Atostek Ltd  «  Senior Frontend Developer

2018/12 » 2019/02 · Tampere, Finland (Contract, Remote)
As a subcontractor for an industrial client, built a light front-end application for generating estimates and quotes using Angular.

Payroll Finland Ltd  «  Senior Frontend Developer

2018/02 » 2018/09 · Helsinki, Finland (Contract, Remote + On-site)
Refactoring AngularJS codebase as Ionic Angular hybrid-mobile components. Converted reporting templates from HTML to Mustache. Crafted a responsive and zoomable document preview component.
TypeScriptAngularHybrid–MobileIonicComponent LibraryNPMAJAX/XHR

Emfit Ltd  «  Lead Full-Stack Web Application Developer & UI Designer

2013/11 » 2018/02 · Jyväskylä, Finland (Contract, Remote)

German Design Award Nominee 2017 with Special Mention on Excellent Product Design for Emfit QSWorked as the Lead Full-Stack Developer in close collaboration with the company's CEO, algorithm research, and hardware geniuses on planning, database design, and data processing. Built and maintained the API backend with integrations to various health data aggregation services. Implemented an elder care alarm system.

German Design Award Nominee 2017 with Special Mention on Excellent Product Design for Emfit QS #2Designed and built a fully responsive health measurement data dashboard application with around 40 data visualization charts. Emfit QS Sleep and Recovery Monitor got nominated as German Design Award Nominee 2017 with Special Mention on Excellent Product Design in Slush, the world’s leading startup event held yearly in Helsinki.

Engineered a fully responsive web-based Clinical Sleep Scoring and Reporting Tool for medical doctors’ and sleep researchers’ use with custom-tailored D3.js charting performantly handling millions of data points.

Full-StackLaravel PHPREST API & IntegrationsMSSQLJavaScriptAngularJSResponsive Web DesignData VisualizationHighChartsD3.js

KM Growth Oy (Asuntolaskuri)  «  Fullstack Web Application Developer

2012/09 » 2013/11 · Tampere, Finland (Part-time Contract, Remote – Admin until 2019)
Built an innovative web service for Finnish real estate investors. Including analysis tools for personal finances and prospective investment properties, with collated historical data on completed real estate sales prices on the areas.
Full-StackLaravel PHPJavaScriptjQueryVanilla SPAAJAX/XHRData VisualizationHTML/CSS

Main Focus

Front-End Single-Page Applications  ·  Vue, React, & Angular frameworks  ·  JavaScript / TypeScript  ·  UI Components  ·  Data Visualization  ·  Responsive Web / UI / UX Design

Work XP

Creative Coder, Owner · ENVISION Productions Ltd

2012/03 » 2022/01

Solo entrepreneur focused in tailored web and SaaS apps as per client’s needs, primarily in longer subcontracting projects.

Freelance Web Designer—Developer

2010/01 » 2012/03

Production Technician · Corelase Ltd, Tampere

2009/01 » 2009/08

End-assembly and testing of high-powered fiber-optical lasers for industrial and academic use.

Signalman in Military Service · HQ Company, Finnish Defence Forces

2009/01 » 2009/08

Experience with fiber-optical cabling and communication terminals while in compulsory military service.

Electronics Production Worker · Biohit PLC, Kajaani

2005/06 » 2005/07


Independent Studies in Modern Web Design & Development

2010/01 » 2012/03

Entrepreneur’s Vocational Degree, College of Tampere

2009/09 » 2009/12

Independent Studies in Natural Therapies (Zonetherapy)

2003/06 » 2005/07

Electronics Technician, College of Technology Kainuu

2002/08 » 2005/12

Electronics, Embedded Systems, Ansi-C, C++, Digital & Computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering. For 5 wks in student exchange in Slovenia for robotics development project funded by EU Galileo Project. Grades 4.8/5, 4th Rank in National AMMATTIKKA Math Contest in 2005

High School of Kainuu

2002/08 » 2005/12

Grades 8.5/10, Matriculation: Adv. Math E, Adv. Physics E, Adv. English M, Finnish C, Adv. Swedish A.

Skills & Tooling


Programming LanguagesJavaScript / EcmaScript 6- / TypeScript 2-CSS 2- / LESS / SASSHTML 4-PHP 4-7Python 3BashXHTML / XML / XPathJavaC++ANSI CVisualBasic

Software Architecture & Development ProcessesREST APIs & IntegrationsScrumDocumentation (Swagger / OpenAPI)

Test ToolingPlaywrightCypressJest / Mocha / ChaiPhpUnitLaravel Dusk (Selenium)

Main Operating System & Coding EnvironmentmacOS 06-CLI (iTerm / ZSH)VSCodeWindows 95-PostmanInsomniaSequel ProWebStorm / PHPStorm IDESublimeTextDataGrip

Developer ToolingGIT (Github / Bitbucket / Gitlab)NPMViteWebpackESlint / StylelintYarnPHP ComposerBabelGulpGruntPhantomJS


Frontend FrameworksVueReactAngularNuxtJSNextJSAngularJSVanillaJS + AJAX/XHR + jQueryFlash

Frontend Component Libraries & ToolingTailwindTwitter Bootstrap 2-StorybookJSMaterial DesignBuefy / BulmaAntDesignTachyons

Data Visualization LibrariesD3.jsHighcharts / HighstockApexchartsKendo UI

Hybrid Web Application ToolingPWAElectronIonic

Templating & Markup LanguagesJSXVue TemplatesHTMLJSONBlade PHPMustacheXMLXHTML


Backend FrameworksLaravel (+ Nova/Spark/Lumen) [PHP]NuxtJS / NextJS / ExpressJS [NodeJS]Django [Python]


Server Operating SystemsLinux (Debian / Alpine / CentOS / Ubuntu)Windows Server 2000-2012Synology DSM

DevOps ToolingDockerServerless (Netlify / Vercel)Azure DevOpsAmazon AWS (IAM, S3, EC2, ECS, ECR, ELB, RDS)DigitalOceanVagrantVirtualBox

App MonitoringSentryLogglyNew RelicUptimeRobot


Design ProcessesUI / UX / Responsive DesignData VisualizationInformation ArchitectureWeb Accessibility (WCAG)Design SystemsLogo / Brand DesignWireframingPrototypingTypography / WebfontsIconsSVGDesign GuidePrint Design

Design ToolsSketch AppFigmaAdobe Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesignAxureCAD


Content Management SystemsLaravel NovaWordpressSquareSpaceConcrete5Laravel VoyagerOctoberCMSJoomla!Drupal

E-commerce PlatformsMyCashflowShopifySquareSpace

MarketingEmail Template DevelopmentTransactional EmailingMailChimpSparkpostSendgridMailgunPostmarkEmail MarketingSEOGoogle AnalyticsGoogle AdWords

Business ManagementEntrepreneurshipTechnical Customer SupportAccountingExcelIPR & Trademarks


Walks in nature with dogs  ·  Yoga & Meditation  ·  Snowboarding  ·  Music  ·  Dancing  ·  Studies
Copyright © UX.Engineer, Janne Kurkinen (2024)